We've all been the latest Avengers Infinity War movie from our beloved folks at Marvel and I'm sure it's not what everyone was expecting, moreso if you've got a habit of reading theories about unreleased movies.
Of all the questions that are circulating because of what transpired, the one I need us concentrate on is the way Dr Strange chose chose to handle the Mad Titan Thanos. And to do that I'll also be pointing you to what happened in Krypton. But first let's see talk abiut what Dr Strange did and did not do.
So him and Ironman and Spiderman meet up with the Guardians of the Galaxy at the planet Titan the home world of Thanos. And while Star Lord and Stark were brainstorming some ideas to take down Thanos, Dr Strange is seen hovering in mid air, and the green color on his wrists suggesting he's using the time stone. He confirms it when they ask him, and he also reveals that out of thousands of outcomes Thanos wins all expect one. Then of course the level of coordination that followed suggested they planned out how to take down the Mad Titan in exactly the way Dr Strange saw.
Now there are some questions floating out there that why did Dr Strange NOT TELEPORT Thanos to another dimension to protect the time stone? Why instead teleport his team mates at strategic times and in strategic positions to take down Thanos? Now I need us to remember what happened next in the movie. Dr Strange chooses to part with the time stone IF AND ONLY IF Thanos spares Tony Stark's life. It's very interesting to learn why Strange explicitly needed Tony alive. My theory is this: Tony being spared his life on Titan AT THAT PARTICULAR POINT IN TIME is what leads them to the outcome that they need. Notice also that before this moment Strange never intervenes at personal conversation that would ultimately lead to our heroes NOT DOING LIKE THEY SUPPOSED TO.
Strange does not even warn Mantis of the consequences of revealing Thanos's feeling to the entire group. This would have allowed them to remove the Infinity Gauntlet without Quill's outburst. But even so, remember that Strange KNOWS which actions lead to their winning outcome, that's why he chose NOT TO WARN THEM. For all intents and purposes Quill WAS supposed to react the way he did, just like everything he saw needed to happen exactly as he saw it. If he had chosen to interfere he would have screwed up their only chain of events that would eventually lead to their victory against Thanos.
That is the curse of future knowledge: the need to NOT say anything about future events in order to NOT create a ripple effect and change the future, even though not doing so may hurt the people closest to you or worse. Go and watch Project Almanac (2014) movie if you wanna understand what a ripple effect in time is.
We have seen this multiple times in The CW's The Flash. Nobody is supposed to know the future because by knowing it THE FUTURE HAS CHANGED because you will ultimately second guess every action you take, even though it was meant to happen.
Marvel really did a good job in depicting the curse of future knowledge. Of course The Flash did it as well but I need you to see how the creators of Krypton did it.
If you don't know Krypton it's a story about, well, Krypton and Brainiac the villain who consumes worlds. Now at Season 1 finale episode Val-el says he's seen the past, present and future and there's no way to defeat Brainiac. But if there's no way to defeat him, how come THEY DEFEATED HIM? Simple. know influences our emotions and our actions after the fact. Simply fooling Brainiac into believing their emotions may not have been enough. Sometimes even if you know there's no way out you defy reality and push on till you find one.
There is one similarity between Strange and Val-el's actions: they never told the whole truth about what they saw in the future. And believe me when I say that it is a good thing. They disclosed enough without compromising the future.
What do you think happened?