Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Rise Of Eye-patch Morty

Rick Sanchez has been a very very bad grandpa. He needs no introduction here on his capabilities and his rap sheet spanning out through multiple realities. He has ruined lives, destroyed entire worlds, and it seems he's nowhere near retirement. Now it goes without saying that he has made enemies every reality he has set foot on. But of all his enemies I was actually surprised to learn that there's a Morty out there who's one of them. And that Morty may just be one of the smartest Mortys in the universe.

Yes. I'm talking about Eye-patch Morty. We have always known Mortys to be the funnest people in the entire universe, as Rick C-137 once explained to us the reason why every Rick wants a Morty sidekick. Because the Morty-waves cancel out the brain waves of his Rick, thereby making it impossible to track Ricks with their district brain waves.

We last saw Eye-patch Morty when he assembled with all the rest of the Mortys who were freed from that unspeakable prison which he created to hide his brain waves and that of his robot Rick.

And for these past 2 years he has been planning a comeback and it would make sense for him to assume a position of power and of highest authority so that he can finally be untouchable. Enter the Presidential candidate Morty. We all know it's not by accident that this Morty actually won the election when even his campaign manager thought he was wasting his time. In fact, I was quite surprised to see a Morty actually win the race, knowing he is one of the funnest people occupying the Citadel. Or was he?

This shows us that he's patience, crazy patient. Everyone thought he was gonna lose. Even the news reporters made fun of him because it seemed impossible to have a President Morty in the Citadel.

We are probably dealing with the smartest Morty we have ever seen. And when you take that into consideration you'll understand why two years ago, in the last episode of Season 1, why he needed all those Mortys' brain waves to hide. Earlier in the episode Rick C-137 explains why every Rick has a Morty. It's far too easy to track down Rick due to his highly unique brain waves because of his genius. The Morty waves cancel out the Rick waves, thereby making him harder to track. It stands to reason that he used the same principle but on a bigger scale to effectively drown his brain waves and that of his Rick in the Morty waves.

But that happened 2 years ago and up to this day Rick C-137 still hasn't had the slightest knowledge of what really happened that day, nor does he know that his enemy has set foot and planted roots in the Citadel.
But something tells me that it won't be long before President Morty finds Rick and makes him pay.

And while I sign off I am still wondering what Rick C-137 did to this Morty to deserve such hatred. And also who is this Morty? Where did they cross paths ? Dot hesitate to leave your thoughts in the comments below.

See you on the next one.

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