Thursday, October 12, 2017

Jack Bauer Retires - To The White House

Jack Bauer is one of the most 'decorated' servicemen the United States has ever had. He devoted his entire adult life to the COUNTER Terrorist Unit (CTU) fighting terrorists, both foreign and domestic. And it goes without saying that the CTU has been doing a good job neutralizing 9/11-level terror attacks throughout his career as a CTU Director of Operations.

Interesting theory: I think the CTU was formed solely because of the horrific 9/11 attack on US soil. It also makes such perfect sense considering it was given the mandate to carry out their objective my any means necessary. I'm talking about torture. If this is true do you understand what this means? It would mean the 9/11 attack also took place in Jack Bauer's reality, and the govt in our reality may have thought about forming our own version of CTU within the US borders but CHOSE not to go through with it. The United States should be thankful none of the terror attacks in Jack's reality were perpetrated in ours. I know it's just a theory, but you get the idea.

Enough rumbling on. Back to Jack. He eventually lost his job along with everything else he had, CTU was disbanded and reformed under a new mandate, the FBI mandate. And the last time I saw Jack 3 years ago was when he was been shipped to a Russian prison, where I thought he would never see the light of day.

But have you ever would wondered what it would be like if something was done differently? Have you wondered what would have happened if he just started a new life and leave his old one behind before he got mixed up with the Russians? Have you ever wondered what would have happened if he never became a serviceman?

Well what if I tell you that I have found a reality whose version of Jack Bauer was a politician, a designated survivor, and ontop of that he eventually became the President of the United States? Yes you heard me: he's now Mr President. 

Not by genuine choice but then it is what it is.
He was named the Designated Survivor to lead the country in the event that the entire US govt gets destroyed. Unfortunately there was a terror attack and their entire govt, gathered under one roof, was destroyed and he had to become President of the United States due to formality. There was simply no one left. And I must say he has been doing surprisingly well by himself, all things considered.
He's still the man who doesn't want to take shortcuts to get things done. He's still staying true to himself and he's not letting Presidential power corrupt him. I'm just glad that after his history of great service to his country unlike anyone who's ever lived, Rick Sanchez included, in the end he gets to be President of the Free world. It totally feels like it's the perfect time for a Series Finale of 24. But reality goes on.

As much as I would want to not mention this I have to. In another reality, where he was a serviceman, he would not be President had the old CTU not be disbanded. They were experts in dealing and averting terror attacks of that magnitude. But what's done is done and there's nothing gained in pointing fingers.

I have always wondered which version of me is rich. It's definitely not this one! But if by any chance that rich me reads this blog, be sure to leave a comment below, along with your space number, email, Skype (you still use that over there, right?) and Facebook page!

So glad we could journey into different realities with you. See you on the next one. And don't forget to use that comments section below.

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