Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Movies Are Real!

I know that many of us watch movies and TV shows. We always love to entertain ourselves with the elephant in the room - the story - and yet we do not ask ourselves the most obvious of questions: "what is this room?". What is a movie? What exactly are we watching when go to the cinemas or subscribe to Netflix?

Well, my friends, I am here to burden your minds with THE theory that is gonna change what you know about movies. Let's break it down.

1. A movie is not an act. It is a glimpse into a reality as it happens.

There it is. Now before you shake your head in disbelief and accidentally spill that coffee I suggest you take a moment to process this. Take a moment.
Now, a movie is a reality the same way those YouTube videos are simply glimpses of our reality. But this further raises another question: whose reality are we watching? We all know Keifer Sutherland, right? We know he has never worked for the COUNTER TERRORIST UNIT (CTU) in his life because it doesn't even exist in this reality. Right? But now who's JACK BAUER? The names are different I know but just think about it. I know for a fact that in my reality Kiefer he's a movie star. So where does Jack Bauer exist? See where I'm going with this? He exists in another reality, a reality where he didn't want to work at his father's company and chose to enlist in the army. Jack, a version of Kiefer, exists in a reality where his loved ones pay the price for every decision he makes because of his job. We can see that it is undoubtedly the same person in likeness however they exist in separate realities living different lives bearing different names. They are different versions of the same person. But how could this be?

It does not stop there. This is true for each and every movie that each and every one of us has ever watched. What I mean is: one person appearing in multiple unrelated movies could possibly translate to multiple versions of the same man in multiple different realities, having different names. I mean how could we not see it back then when a movie tried to open our eyes about this? If you have never seen this movie then I'll do a run down for you. I'm obviously talking about THE LAST ACTION HERO. 

The short version is a young boy is watching a movie about a Los Angeles cop Jack Slater, and spoiler alert this is Arnold Schwartznegger's version of himself in another reality! Anyway a bomb gets thrown into the theater from the movie and the boy gets blasted into said movie. Upon realizing that, the boy tried everything to point out that they were in a movie, and that whatever they were doing was just a script and that everything about their life, even themselves, was a lie. I really applaud the young boy for his efforts even though deaf ears heard nothing. The boy was in a different reality. The movie itself was a different reality. When he was watching that movie, he was watching a glimpse of another reality and then he got blasted into it. I recommend you watch the movie to understand way I'm talking about. And when you do, then you'll know that the boy wasn't just blasted into the movie, he jumped realities to one where everything just works out for the good guys as it should. So the movie ends when Jack Slater had been shot in this reality and was about to die, but he returned to his reality and the fatal bullet just turned out to be a flesh wound. Talk about happy endings.

Now I'm not saying that I can tell the difference, with 100% certainty, in which reality an event is taking place. By now there are multiple realities out there, and each movie that we continue to see is either elaborating more on a reality we live in, or one that we have seen in another movie, or a totally different reality that we have never seen before. Some movies - prequels, sequels and trilogies - may very well be glimpses of the same reality. So as you can see all the movies that you've seen, those realities are vastly open to interpretation. This reality may very well be the one where Hell freezes over or the Terminators take over. The reason why they haven't already could be maybe Kyle Reese succeeded in warning the US govt about the future. In any case just be glad you have seen these events in movies not in your neighborhoods.

On this post we ranked spies according to their discretion when conducting their operations. And the winner of that tightly contested showdown was the spy who was least known in the world. The vast number of movies, or should I say the footage, of 007 clearly undermine him as the ultimate spy simply because he's been caught on the job by cameras too many times for his identity to be secret from the public. But then again in his reality most may not even know that he exist because they are not the ones glimpsing into his reality.

We have covered what movies are. They are glimpses of a reality, either in real time or a collection of surveillance footage for this or any other reality. But this only covers the first part of the theory. But who creates these realities? The answer isn't as surprising as you might think.

2. Scripts are simply preprogrammed life choices that help create the simulated reality. Oblivious to the fact that shooting a movie creates that reality, we continue to do so because we all think it's an act.

Yet we saw that Jack Slater really lost his kid when the movie writers decided to script that part into his life. And on top of that Jack Slater saw himself face to face with the person who was 'responsible' for his child's death, Arnold Schwartznegger, the person who decided to star in the movie. Had the movie not been created, Jack wouldn't have existed and he wouldn't have had to see his son die in the hands of the bad guys. Truly if you take a step back to analyse this then you would see how much hurt we cause everyday to the realities that we create for our own amusement. 

Believe me when we say: someday, there's gonna be hell to pay.

Have you seen this?