Saturday, May 25, 2024

12 Monkeys: 3 Questions We Are Not Even Asking

Olivier Peters. Image credit: IMDb

12 Monkeys: the only TV show where the series premiere takes place after the series finale.

Although 12 Monkeys TV show is arguably one of the best time traveling stories ever created, partly due to its temporal mechanics, causality depictions and the way events are connected throughout time in the series, the show has many questions that people are not even asking.

While these questions exist they do not in any way point to plot holes in the story. These questions are merely from an inquisitive mind in need of some off-screen details to put more flesh in the story. And the answers to these questions may even be the key in understanding certain events occurring throughout the series.


Ethan Cole. Image credit: Fandom

Ethan Cole could arguably be the most powerful primary in the series. Primaries, by the show's definition, are a select group of people that are connected and communicate to each other through time. They see past, present and future simultaneously and they are the very cogs of time itself. But Ethan's abilities were beyond those of others. He could see the final moments of everyone he saw. All except for the love of his life. And judging by the future that haunted him and his subsequent demise it's clear he couldn't see his final moments because if he did he could have deduced that he wasn't "the Demon destined to be alone at the very edge of time". But how come he couldn't see Olivier's final moments? Was this because Olivier's death came well after his own? Doctor Strange's Ancient One couldn't see past her point of death, is Ethan's case the same?


Time machine.    Copyright: Syfy

In the finale, Olivier's top half is splintered to the past to become the source of the centuries-old virus, while James Cole erases himself from time as intended by the primaries. But when the series started Markridge had already procured the centuries-old carcass of Olivier that contained the virus. It's already clear here that earlier heroes who defeated her FAILED to reset time. Why did they fail? Did James Cole die before they took Titan? Was the machine destroyed before they could run the code? Or did they fail to assemble and compile the code on Titan in the first place? Exactly how many times have earlier heroes tried and failed? This question will forever go unanswered.


James Cole and Cassandra Railly. Copyright: Syfy

Future James Cole saving Past Jennifer raises no eyebrows the way Future Cole saving Past Cole on Titan does. I say this because it makes no sense to go back to the past to save your past self the way your future self did with you. How would you live long enough to the future to be able to travel back through time to save your past self WHEN THIS VERSION OF YOU NEEDS RESCUE RIGHT NOW? 

This is clear point of divergence in the timeline. It does not make sense, unless you consider the fact it wasn't you, or in this case Cole, who was initially meant to save you. The very reason you would need to save your past self is when the person initially meant to save past you in the future DIES BEFORE HE TRAVELS BACK IN TIME TO DO SO. Then the only way to save your past self would be to make sure someone, even you, does it. Maybe in the beginning of the great gynn Cole was saved by someone else, whose past self ended up dead before he could live long enough to save Past Cole. When Future Cole saves Past Cole we see no nosebleeds or any paradoxical effects as a result and this simply means this Future Cole is not the first one save his past self. 

So the question stands: who was the first initial traveler? Ethan? He's the most likely candidate since the time vest was his. Maybe his suit originally didn't fail him when he returned to Titan to save his family. It's possible he initially lived through the fight and was the one who went back to save Past Cole and Past Jennifer. But the suit's untimely failure and his death could have forced a version of James Cole to do what he was meant to do. This version of James Cole could have been the one to get the nosebleeds when he revealed himself to his past self, but his past self would grow up thinking he is meant to save himself the way his future self did, not knowing the change in the timeline. Anyway this is my pathetic attempt to answer my own question. So if it wasn't Ethan, then who?

Do let us know in the comments below what you think. And maybe you too have your own unanswered questions. Do write to us.

Till the next one, Cheers.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Agents of SHIELD Series Finale Just "Confirmed" What We Knew About Endgame Time Travel

After watching the series finale of our beloved Agents of SHIELD there is nothing more satisfying than the validation it gives to a time travel theory we talked about back in May. 

Back before season 7 premiered we all knew time travel was going to be the main theme of the season. After the devastation of their homeworld the Chronicoms used Fitz and Simmons to create their own time travel device that would give them the ultimate advantage against Shield in their pursuit to establish the Terran homeworld as Chronica 2. And as interesting as it is to watch our beloved Agents  of SHIELD go back in time, save Hydra and expose Area-51 as SHIELD bases , our main interest here is in their time travel technology.

We learn that the Zephyr is programmed to follow the Chronicom ship as it travels through time. And so the Agents follow the Chronicoms whenever they go in an effort to undermine and undo any changes made to history. The timeline is changed irrevocably anyway, Fitz appears from a quantum tunnel, modifies the Zephyr to take all the Chronicom ships with them to their future present. Boom boom, bang bang: mission complete, problem solved. Right? RIGHT? 

Well, let's go deep into it:

1. The SHIELD time travel technology, however advanced it may seem, is relatively crude and not thoroughly tested and researched. Hence, like Bruce Hulk, their understanding of its consequences was shallow.

The tech is first used by the Agents to escape the doomed timeline. It is, more or less, the same tech the Chronicoms "stole" from Fitz and Simmons to go into the past to destroy SHIELD before it becomes formidable enough to stop them. It is also the same tech that allows the Agents to take the Chronicom ships with them, through the quantum realm, to their supposed present. Why am I pointing this out? Because every instance the tech is used does not actually lead to any changes in their future. And why am I pointing this out, you ask? 

We theorized that the Time Heist was executed in at least 4 random universes because of the simple fact that the Revengers travelled to the past without a destination anchor to, well, anchor themselves to their universe of origin, unlike Fitz who was pulled by the quantum tunnel to his team. If Fitz jumped to the past without the quantum tunnel actually pulling him to his friends, he most definitely could have arrived at alternate universe to different versions of his friends.

The Agents of SHIELD may have escaped the doomed future of a quaked Earth but what they did when they came back did not actually change their original timeline. Why? Because their time travel tech has no destination anchor. They arrived months after their departure, but IN ANOTHER UNIVERSE. They altered another Earth's fate, not their own. Much like Fitz, a quantum tunnel needed to be built by Enoch in the present in preparation for the Agents' arrival from the future. Since that didn't happen, they traversed realities while time travelling. They never arrived back.

2. Fitz's travel to the past was anchored by the quantum tunnel to the correct universe where his friends were. But their eventual return trip to the future through the quantum realm was not. Hence they never arrived in the correct universe they left.

The truth is right there. They never return to that universe they "invaded" when they escaped the doomed future. There are already four distinct realities in the Agents of SHIELD which came as a result of:
i) Daisy quaking the Earth apart;
ii) Daisy quaking Graviton to outer space;
iii) the changes made to history by the Chronicoms' attempt to destroy SHIELD;
iv) the Zephyr travelling to the future without a quantum tunnel as an anchor, as opposed to the way Past Thanos did.

So knowing all this, you should start to understand how they created all these other alternate universes as a result of time travelling without an anchor. It's clear that both the Avengers team and the SHIELD team actually have not yet understood the importance of anchors in time travel, and the consequences that follow when they are not used.

And by the time they do it will have been too late: the multiverse is already in chaos. Or should I say "madness"?

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Time Travel in "Schrodinger's Multiverse"

We finally got to witness the MCU's first attempt at time travel in Avengers Endgame, and a lot of people have mixed feelings about it. This radical theory presented here may prove useful in understanding the events of Endgame as well as the science behind the time travel itself.

While some people point out Smart Hulk's lack of expertise when it comes to time travel I believe he was on the right track. But before we get deep into this we need to understand the complexity of the multiverse, and time travel in the context of the multiverse. And for us to do that we need to establish certain in-universe scientific principles - reverse-engineered to support the movie's own definition of time travel - and then note the actions taken by our heroes.

I feel I should point out that I'm a theorist not a scientist, so please just glide over any scientific inaccuracies that may be ahead. This theory's goal is to satisfy Endgame's time travel shenanigans.

1. One might say the multiverse may be an infinite number of planes of existence,  superimposed on and out of phase with each other, each being slightly different than the next but all being similar to each other in some respect. At least for the most part. 

To borrow from quantum physics, the multiverse may simply be the superposition of the prime universe that forms infinite universes, superimposed on and out of phase with each other, reflecting the infinite number of paths available and the probabilities of each of those being chosen. I chose the words "superposition" and "superimposed" intentionally because those infinite universes are all supposedly occupying the same physical space and they are playing themselves out in real time but nobody can observe them "directly", hence the term "Schrodinger's Multiverse". We only see our own universe because it's the only universe we are in phase with, the same way you'll know the fate of the cat only after opening the box. So if the multiverse is a superposition, then one universe is just a prime universe existing in one of the infinite probabilities that make up the superposition. It's very important to have this definition of the multiverse because once we do we will realize that one moment exists within three variables not just two. Also, this version of the multiverse seems to fit well with the MCU judging from what we've seen in Endgame.

We've seen many live-action films and tv shows in our lives and most, if not all of them, deal with one or the other: time travel or multiverse travel. Keeping these separate keeps things simple. That's why time travel stories are easier to make and follow without having to worry about other universes and whatnot. Time travel in this instance will only need to satisfy 2 variables: where and when. But when infinite universes exist there arises another very important variable, at least in the MCU's case because of the use of the quantum realm,  that needs to be solved before one travels through time: which universe. 

2. The quantum realm exists out of phase with its universe and its phase shift properties allow both time travel and universe hopping.

The entire time heist in Endgame banks on their being able to manipulate the quantum realm to that effect. We see Scott Lang emerge from the quantum realm unscathed by the decimation. Time also moves differently in there than it does in the real world. Also, that quantum energy blast bestowed phase shifting abilities to Ghost when she was a child. These three facts show us that the quantum realm may also exist out of phase with its universe. It makes sense for time travel to be possible in the quantum realm. Another important point to note here is that time travel may only be possible if you first  phase out of the universe and into a place that allows time to pass you by, or get ahead of it. This brings me to my earlier point that in this reality time travel has 3 variables: coordinates, time and phase, because you need to phase into the correct universe when it's time to exit the quantum realm at a certain point in time.

3. Time travel without a destination anchor/phase randomly takes you to another universe.

Remember Smart Hulk's theory of time travel? The past can't be changed by time travellers. I believe this is why: TRAVELLING TO THE PAST WITH NO DESTINATION ANCHOR TAKES YOU TO A RANDOM DESTINATION UNIVERSE. In any other movie this theory would fail to apply but Endgame creates a specific case where it actually makes sense. They had no destination anchors in the past to make sure they phase in to the correct universe after exiting the quantum realm. They only had the where and when without the correct phase of their universe provided by the anchor. I'm of course talking about that quantum tunnel machine that sends them on their way and pulls them back to the correct universe. Both the time GPS and the quantum tunnel are made in the same universe which means they are in phase with each other. We've seen it in AntMan and Wasp. Without the quantum tunnel pulling him back Hank Pym would have been lost forever in the quantum realm. The same is also true for Scott Lang who was also lost in the quantum realm before the quantum tunnel was activated to pull him back. This fact allowed Past Thanos to follow the Revengers from his universe through the quantum realm into theirs. But our heroes weren't pulled into their past by a quantum tunnel that could have anchored them to their universe. They did travel to the past but who knows which universe they arrived in. So if the heroes couldn't change their past it's because:

4. THE TIME HEIST WAS NOT IN THEIR UNIVERSE but in at least 4 other random universes. They split into 3 groups, each with different time destinations to random universes; with the power and soul stone being obtained from one random universe, the mind stone from another, the space stone another, and the reality stone from another. The quantum tunnel would then ultimately pull all of them back to their original universe. No one is the wiser.

Why else would changing the past fail to bring any change in the future? Simply put: you're changing the wrong universe. That's why I said earlier on that Smart Hulk's explanation was on the right track. He may not have known everything - because how could he? -  and that may have ultimately led him to believe the past can't be changed. 

So knowing what we know about time travel in SCHRODINGER'S MULTIVERSE we start to really understand the consequences of the time heist, especially when you consider how many versions of Avengers did their own time heist and how many of them actually defeated Thanos, or whoever their Big Bad was. Because let's face it: not all Doctor Strange versions peaked into the future in an effort to get ahead of the Mad Titan. And even if they all did, some Avengers may have failed, died or been lost in the time heist; leaving their original universes unprotected from whatever is coming next. And even if they all succeeded in their time heist, some Avengers may have failed to defeat their own version of Past Thanos or whichever Bag Bad; leaving other universes where they did the time heist forever changed since no one would have returned the stones back to their original universe. AND, even if all the versions of the Avengers did defeat their Past Thanos some may have also failed to return the stones to their universes of origin since they may not even know that they didn't take them from their past. See where I'm going with this? 

5. THE MULTIVERSE IS IN CHAOS. The balance of power in the multiverse has shifted. Most of the stones were never returned to their universes of origin.

Universes are now forever changed because of this, just as the Ancient One said. The balance of power in the multiverse has shifted. Stability has been severely compromised. Not even the Avengers can fix this now. They don't even know what they did. And in extreme cases like this it's up to the mystical beings to fix this. So is it a coincidence that Doctor Strange 2 is in the multiverse of madness? Of course not. I could be wrong about this but we might see The Living Tribunal in this movie, at least in some capacity, restoring order in the multiverse or, in the very least, guiding others on how to limit the damages  on a universe to universe scale. 

But who knows. And one more question: is the MCU really a couple of movies or something else?

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Dr Strange: The Curse of Future Knowledge

We've all been the latest Avengers Infinity War movie from our beloved folks at Marvel and I'm sure it's not what everyone was expecting, moreso if you've got a habit of reading theories about unreleased movies.

Of all the questions that are circulating because of what transpired, the one I need us concentrate on is the way Dr Strange chose chose to handle the Mad Titan Thanos. And to do that I'll also be pointing you to what happened in Krypton. But first let's see talk abiut what Dr Strange did and did not do.

So him and Ironman and Spiderman meet up with the Guardians of the Galaxy at the planet Titan the home world of Thanos. And while Star Lord and Stark were brainstorming some ideas to take down Thanos, Dr Strange is seen hovering in mid air, and the green color on his wrists suggesting he's using the time stone. He confirms it when they ask him, and he also reveals that out of thousands of outcomes Thanos wins all expect one. Then of course the level of coordination that followed suggested they planned out how to take down the Mad Titan in exactly the way Dr Strange saw.

Now there are some questions floating out there that why did Dr Strange NOT TELEPORT Thanos to another dimension to protect the time stone? Why instead teleport his team mates at strategic times and in strategic positions to take down Thanos? Now I need us to remember what happened next in the movie. Dr Strange chooses to part with the time stone IF AND ONLY IF Thanos spares Tony Stark's life. It's very interesting to learn why Strange explicitly needed Tony alive. My theory is this: Tony being spared his life on Titan AT THAT PARTICULAR POINT IN TIME is what leads them to the outcome that they need. Notice also that before this moment Strange never intervenes at personal conversation that would ultimately lead to our heroes NOT DOING LIKE THEY SUPPOSED TO.

Strange does not even warn Mantis of the consequences of revealing Thanos's feeling to the entire group. This would have allowed them to remove the Infinity Gauntlet without Quill's outburst. But even so, remember that Strange KNOWS which actions lead to their winning outcome, that's why he chose NOT TO WARN THEM. For all intents and purposes Quill WAS supposed to react the way he did, just like everything he saw needed to happen exactly as he saw it. If he had chosen to interfere he would have screwed up their only chain of events that would eventually lead to their victory against Thanos.

That is the curse of future knowledge: the need to NOT say anything about future events in order to NOT create a ripple effect and change the future, even though not doing so may hurt the people closest to you or worse. Go and watch Project Almanac (2014) movie if you wanna understand what a ripple effect in time is.

We have seen this multiple times in The CW's The Flash. Nobody is supposed to know the future because by knowing it THE FUTURE HAS CHANGED because you will ultimately second guess every action you take, even though it was meant to happen.
Marvel really did a good job in depicting the curse of future knowledge. Of course The Flash did it as well but I need you to see how the creators of Krypton did it.

If you don't know Krypton it's a story about, well, Krypton and Brainiac the villain who consumes worlds. Now at Season 1 finale episode Val-el says he's seen the past, present and future and there's no way to defeat Brainiac. But if there's no way to defeat him, how come THEY DEFEATED HIM? Simple. know influences our emotions and our actions after the fact. Simply fooling Brainiac into believing their emotions may not have been enough. Sometimes even if you know there's no way out you defy reality and push on till you find one.

There is one similarity between Strange and Val-el's actions: they never told the whole truth about what they saw in the future. And believe me when I say that it is a good thing. They disclosed enough without compromising the future.

What do you think happened?

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Movies Are Real!

I know that many of us watch movies and TV shows. We always love to entertain ourselves with the elephant in the room - the story - and yet we do not ask ourselves the most obvious of questions: "what is this room?". What is a movie? What exactly are we watching when go to the cinemas or subscribe to Netflix?

Well, my friends, I am here to burden your minds with THE theory that is gonna change what you know about movies. Let's break it down.

1. A movie is not an act. It is a glimpse into a reality as it happens.

There it is. Now before you shake your head in disbelief and accidentally spill that coffee I suggest you take a moment to process this. Take a moment.
Now, a movie is a reality the same way those YouTube videos are simply glimpses of our reality. But this further raises another question: whose reality are we watching? We all know Keifer Sutherland, right? We know he has never worked for the COUNTER TERRORIST UNIT (CTU) in his life because it doesn't even exist in this reality. Right? But now who's JACK BAUER? The names are different I know but just think about it. I know for a fact that in my reality Kiefer he's a movie star. So where does Jack Bauer exist? See where I'm going with this? He exists in another reality, a reality where he didn't want to work at his father's company and chose to enlist in the army. Jack, a version of Kiefer, exists in a reality where his loved ones pay the price for every decision he makes because of his job. We can see that it is undoubtedly the same person in likeness however they exist in separate realities living different lives bearing different names. They are different versions of the same person. But how could this be?

It does not stop there. This is true for each and every movie that each and every one of us has ever watched. What I mean is: one person appearing in multiple unrelated movies could possibly translate to multiple versions of the same man in multiple different realities, having different names. I mean how could we not see it back then when a movie tried to open our eyes about this? If you have never seen this movie then I'll do a run down for you. I'm obviously talking about THE LAST ACTION HERO. 

The short version is a young boy is watching a movie about a Los Angeles cop Jack Slater, and spoiler alert this is Arnold Schwartznegger's version of himself in another reality! Anyway a bomb gets thrown into the theater from the movie and the boy gets blasted into said movie. Upon realizing that, the boy tried everything to point out that they were in a movie, and that whatever they were doing was just a script and that everything about their life, even themselves, was a lie. I really applaud the young boy for his efforts even though deaf ears heard nothing. The boy was in a different reality. The movie itself was a different reality. When he was watching that movie, he was watching a glimpse of another reality and then he got blasted into it. I recommend you watch the movie to understand way I'm talking about. And when you do, then you'll know that the boy wasn't just blasted into the movie, he jumped realities to one where everything just works out for the good guys as it should. So the movie ends when Jack Slater had been shot in this reality and was about to die, but he returned to his reality and the fatal bullet just turned out to be a flesh wound. Talk about happy endings.

Now I'm not saying that I can tell the difference, with 100% certainty, in which reality an event is taking place. By now there are multiple realities out there, and each movie that we continue to see is either elaborating more on a reality we live in, or one that we have seen in another movie, or a totally different reality that we have never seen before. Some movies - prequels, sequels and trilogies - may very well be glimpses of the same reality. So as you can see all the movies that you've seen, those realities are vastly open to interpretation. This reality may very well be the one where Hell freezes over or the Terminators take over. The reason why they haven't already could be maybe Kyle Reese succeeded in warning the US govt about the future. In any case just be glad you have seen these events in movies not in your neighborhoods.

On this post we ranked spies according to their discretion when conducting their operations. And the winner of that tightly contested showdown was the spy who was least known in the world. The vast number of movies, or should I say the footage, of 007 clearly undermine him as the ultimate spy simply because he's been caught on the job by cameras too many times for his identity to be secret from the public. But then again in his reality most may not even know that he exist because they are not the ones glimpsing into his reality.

We have covered what movies are. They are glimpses of a reality, either in real time or a collection of surveillance footage for this or any other reality. But this only covers the first part of the theory. But who creates these realities? The answer isn't as surprising as you might think.

2. Scripts are simply preprogrammed life choices that help create the simulated reality. Oblivious to the fact that shooting a movie creates that reality, we continue to do so because we all think it's an act.

Yet we saw that Jack Slater really lost his kid when the movie writers decided to script that part into his life. And on top of that Jack Slater saw himself face to face with the person who was 'responsible' for his child's death, Arnold Schwartznegger, the person who decided to star in the movie. Had the movie not been created, Jack wouldn't have existed and he wouldn't have had to see his son die in the hands of the bad guys. Truly if you take a step back to analyse this then you would see how much hurt we cause everyday to the realities that we create for our own amusement. 

Believe me when we say: someday, there's gonna be hell to pay.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Director Nick Fury - The Ultimate Spy?

I'm sure no one has asked this question before so please allow me. Is NICK FURY the greatest SPY who ever lived? Is he the ULTIMATE SPY? If so, why? And also is he what other spies wish to be?

Nick Fury, former SHIELD director.

I know. I can actually hear you scream-typing down at the comment section below that he doesn't even deserve to be in the contest  the same way a first grader doesn't. And as much as you think I'm biased towards Nick you are probably right. But I hate to pull rank. And also just hear me out before you judge my crazy theory.

I will answer those rhetorical questions later, but first let's look at some other spies we have seen over the years and establish a list of qualities and differences that they have between each other.

We all have heard of spies and have even watched SPY movies like JAMES BOND, MICHAEL WESTEN or, um, whichever movie you are thinking  of right now. Believe me I have greatly followed the 007 franchise: straight from the comedy-filled “classic era" of Roger Moore, Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan, down to the cold, heartless era of Daniel Craig.

Now JAMES BOND, or 007, is the TITLE of a very deadly, highly trained INTELLIGENCE officer in the 00 programme within the M.I.6 and the TITLE has been passed down from one 007 to another for over 40 years. He's highly skilled in penetrating hotspots and eliminating targets thanks to the LICENCE TO KILL. But this does not prevent him from cracking the occasional jokes with his enemies and giving women the night of their lives, right before he finds out they are part of the whole plot as well. We all know him so I am not going to dwell much on him. So let's move on.

MICHAEL WESTEN, former CIA operative, is the second spy we will look at. He is the best covert operative the CIA has ever produced. He has definitely been around the world making a name for himself as the CIA most dangerous SPY. The GRU knew him as the BOOGEYMAN as he always left a man alive to tell everyone because, well dah, DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES ain't that right JACK SPARROW? Oh, and not to sound like a know-it-all but that's common sense 101. Now as usual he makes enemies all around the world due to the covert nature of his activities. We are introduced to MICHAEL WESTEN in 2007, the year he got burned. He was framed by a SECRET organization that existed inside the CIA, the organization that burned spies in order to recruit them for rogue, unsanctioned missions. He was branded a very dangerous,  rogue CIA covert operative who had to be “eliminated”. But ultimately, after three years he finally tears down the organization that burned him, and all this cost him his mother, brother and his life as a free private citizen. Of all the spies that we are talking about here, he's the one who grew a conscious and preferred not to kill if he did or didn't have to.

 Now like MICHAEL WESTEN of the CIA, STERLING ARCHER of the INTERNATIONAL SECRET INTELLIGENCE SERVICE is also seen as the world's most dangerous SPY and trust me when I say that's not his doing. Of all the spies I can think of, this one jokes the most, and his mother, the lover to the head of the KGB, is actually the head of ISIS. How convenient you ask? Well, my answer to that rhetorical question is how convenient indeed. ARCHER gets the top missions from his Mom who is head of ISIS and somehow his luck gets in the way of the bad guys. I'm not denying the fact that he's good in close combat and with guns, it's like the villains of his time send unskilled thugs and hitman squads after him and the only thing they achieve at the end of the day is to shoot squat. In ARCHER’s mind the joke is on everyone in the world because of his never ending jokes about everyone besides himself but surprisingly that doesn't get him killed anywhere, even by his co-workers or his mother to say the least.

These spies have something in common: they work for one agency and they are known almost all over the world. However, NICK FURY doesn't just work for these two SPY agencies at the same time, SHIELD and X-PROGRAM, neither of each know the existence of the other nor have knowledge of his three lives. He also leads them. I know right? How in the world can he juggle two massive and high secretive spy agencies without either of them learning of the existence of the other? Does he have a twin? A double?

We will discuss the REALITY ABOUT MOVIES as a separate crazyfilm theory. But Long theory short, the least known spy in the world is the deadliest of them all. In other words, the spy with less movie/camera time is the least known spy of them all. So clearly BOND JAMES BOND, by this definition, is not the ultimate spy.

Firstly, let's discuss the fact that he heads two spy agencies, which are somehow oblivious of one's existence to the other.

 We first catch a glimpse of him in the X-Program at the turn of the 21st century. I honestly don't know when he was appointed the head of the X-Program nor how many agents were under his command. What I do know with absolute certainty is that he had one of their best agents at his command, XXX. Yes it's a title just like 007 James Bond. The agent's name was, is, Xander Cage. Most of you know him as Dominic Torreto but we are not gonna talk about his double life here. Spoiler alert: it's catching up to him.

Now, unlike the X-PROGRAM, the SHIELD is a more covert organization tasked with protecting the world from threats of unusual and unexplained origin. Up until 2014 he was the Director there before HYDRA rose from the shadows and nearly destroyed SHIELD from within.

If you need more information on the above agencies then you need to watch all the XXX movies and Marvel content from 2008 up until today.

So am I biased to announce that Nick, wherever he is, the winner of the Ultimate Spy contest? Let me know down in the comments below. And no, Agent 47 doesn't qualify to be in this contest because he is no spy.

See you on the next one.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Jack Bauer Retires - To The White House

Jack Bauer is one of the most 'decorated' servicemen the United States has ever had. He devoted his entire adult life to the COUNTER Terrorist Unit (CTU) fighting terrorists, both foreign and domestic. And it goes without saying that the CTU has been doing a good job neutralizing 9/11-level terror attacks throughout his career as a CTU Director of Operations.

Interesting theory: I think the CTU was formed solely because of the horrific 9/11 attack on US soil. It also makes such perfect sense considering it was given the mandate to carry out their objective my any means necessary. I'm talking about torture. If this is true do you understand what this means? It would mean the 9/11 attack also took place in Jack Bauer's reality, and the govt in our reality may have thought about forming our own version of CTU within the US borders but CHOSE not to go through with it. The United States should be thankful none of the terror attacks in Jack's reality were perpetrated in ours. I know it's just a theory, but you get the idea.

Enough rumbling on. Back to Jack. He eventually lost his job along with everything else he had, CTU was disbanded and reformed under a new mandate, the FBI mandate. And the last time I saw Jack 3 years ago was when he was been shipped to a Russian prison, where I thought he would never see the light of day.

But have you ever would wondered what it would be like if something was done differently? Have you wondered what would have happened if he just started a new life and leave his old one behind before he got mixed up with the Russians? Have you ever wondered what would have happened if he never became a serviceman?

Well what if I tell you that I have found a reality whose version of Jack Bauer was a politician, a designated survivor, and ontop of that he eventually became the President of the United States? Yes you heard me: he's now Mr President. 

Not by genuine choice but then it is what it is.
He was named the Designated Survivor to lead the country in the event that the entire US govt gets destroyed. Unfortunately there was a terror attack and their entire govt, gathered under one roof, was destroyed and he had to become President of the United States due to formality. There was simply no one left. And I must say he has been doing surprisingly well by himself, all things considered.
He's still the man who doesn't want to take shortcuts to get things done. He's still staying true to himself and he's not letting Presidential power corrupt him. I'm just glad that after his history of great service to his country unlike anyone who's ever lived, Rick Sanchez included, in the end he gets to be President of the Free world. It totally feels like it's the perfect time for a Series Finale of 24. But reality goes on.

As much as I would want to not mention this I have to. In another reality, where he was a serviceman, he would not be President had the old CTU not be disbanded. They were experts in dealing and averting terror attacks of that magnitude. But what's done is done and there's nothing gained in pointing fingers.

I have always wondered which version of me is rich. It's definitely not this one! But if by any chance that rich me reads this blog, be sure to leave a comment below, along with your space number, email, Skype (you still use that over there, right?) and Facebook page!

So glad we could journey into different realities with you. See you on the next one. And don't forget to use that comments section below.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Rise Of Eye-patch Morty

Rick Sanchez has been a very very bad grandpa. He needs no introduction here on his capabilities and his rap sheet spanning out through multiple realities. He has ruined lives, destroyed entire worlds, and it seems he's nowhere near retirement. Now it goes without saying that he has made enemies every reality he has set foot on. But of all his enemies I was actually surprised to learn that there's a Morty out there who's one of them. And that Morty may just be one of the smartest Mortys in the universe.

Yes. I'm talking about Eye-patch Morty. We have always known Mortys to be the funnest people in the entire universe, as Rick C-137 once explained to us the reason why every Rick wants a Morty sidekick. Because the Morty-waves cancel out the brain waves of his Rick, thereby making it impossible to track Ricks with their district brain waves.

We last saw Eye-patch Morty when he assembled with all the rest of the Mortys who were freed from that unspeakable prison which he created to hide his brain waves and that of his robot Rick.

And for these past 2 years he has been planning a comeback and it would make sense for him to assume a position of power and of highest authority so that he can finally be untouchable. Enter the Presidential candidate Morty. We all know it's not by accident that this Morty actually won the election when even his campaign manager thought he was wasting his time. In fact, I was quite surprised to see a Morty actually win the race, knowing he is one of the funnest people occupying the Citadel. Or was he?

This shows us that he's patience, crazy patient. Everyone thought he was gonna lose. Even the news reporters made fun of him because it seemed impossible to have a President Morty in the Citadel.

We are probably dealing with the smartest Morty we have ever seen. And when you take that into consideration you'll understand why two years ago, in the last episode of Season 1, why he needed all those Mortys' brain waves to hide. Earlier in the episode Rick C-137 explains why every Rick has a Morty. It's far too easy to track down Rick due to his highly unique brain waves because of his genius. The Morty waves cancel out the Rick waves, thereby making him harder to track. It stands to reason that he used the same principle but on a bigger scale to effectively drown his brain waves and that of his Rick in the Morty waves.

But that happened 2 years ago and up to this day Rick C-137 still hasn't had the slightest knowledge of what really happened that day, nor does he know that his enemy has set foot and planted roots in the Citadel.
But something tells me that it won't be long before President Morty finds Rick and makes him pay.

And while I sign off I am still wondering what Rick C-137 did to this Morty to deserve such hatred. And also who is this Morty? Where did they cross paths ? Dot hesitate to leave your thoughts in the comments below.

See you on the next one.

Saturday, July 1, 2017


Yes. Aliens do exist. If not in our reality then in this one we are discussing.

If there is a deadly and most intelligent alien the humans have ever faced, it's gonna be Calvin.

Picture of Kelvin the Martian

So we see this Martian creature in the movie LIFE which was released earlier on this year.

Now, if you have not watched this movie then be prepared for some spoilers and easter eggs.

Scientists aboard the INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION discover cells from a Martian rock, the cell that eventually dooms the entire crew and Planet Earth. Now, as always there are some things that you may not have noticed in this movie so I would like to point them out to you.

1.Miranda North is actually a deep cover MI5 agent we all know as Ilsa.

Yes people. She is not a scientist from Great Britain, however she is still on the payroll of MI5. We all watched MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 5: ROGUE NATION right?

 If you did then you know that Ilsa retired from Her Majesty's Secret Service. OR DID SHE? If she "retired" on 2015, and appears on the ISS in 2017,  has she been a deep cover agent as a British scientist for the past two years? Well yes; after learning that there was a secret mission to prove life existence on Mars, it makes perfect sense for MI5 to put eyes and ears on the ISS. 


So Ilsa becomes Miranda North the very same year that J'onzz (Supergirl Season 1) divulges to others his story about his escape from Mars (escape happened 50 years ago from 2015)?

That is no coincidence, considering the confidence that the US govt has after dealing with the aliens from the Phantom Zone for the a few years. So two years later the US govt goes behind J'onzz' back to explore life on Mars; and Ilsa (Miranda) is one of the scientists for the mission. Regrettably at the end of the movie CALVIN lands on Earth while Miranda's capsule floats away into deep space. Where are the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY when you need them.


DEADPOOL? Seriously though. DEADPOOL wasn't fun enough and you had to go play the astronaut?

That's being too overconfident. And I can tell you tried your best to not to do a fourth wall break. I'm not judging though. I hope you don't die in the movie before you shoot DEADPOOL 2. Hmm and why did I hope that, obviously you can't die. But you can pretend to be. Oh, and good job on the role you they gave you. But this seriously proves to me that you have got a lot of time on your hands.


THANOS continues to send amateurs after the Infinity Stones but can somebody please ask him why he is sending people who constantly fail him? Why not do it himself? 

I know at the AGE OF ULTRON movie he says he will "do it himself", but please. We, at least I, know why he  said it. 2015 is the year where people of the world learn about the last GREEN MARTIAN, J'onzz, and the war he solely escaped fifty years ago. So that meant no more CALVIN-KIND aliens now. Well, true, at least before CALVIN escapes the astronaut capsule two years later (2017). So trust me when I say that AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR will be the ultimate war against the true enemy of the universe, CALVIN.


Now before you say RICK & MORTY timelines don't fit with any of the above mentioned movies, it is worth noting that even though there is great display of technology on the show, most of that tech belongs to RICK. So the lack of other smart tech besides Rick's allows me to place the show in the 90's. But Jerry mentions iPad on Season 1 Episode 3 so we are forced to place the show post-2010.

With that said, Rick has actually gone and seen a future where humans have advanced to a point where the medicine literally heals anything instantly. Now I am no expert but such technology would have to have existed somewhere, or at least in another creature, and would have to be adapted to the human body. CALVIN feeds and grows instantly. Now to me this "miracle medicine" could have been adapted from CALVIN's ability to multiply his cells after feeding. And this is entirely hypothetical, but we are talking about the future so anything is possible. But even if Rick knows the future it's not like he cares enough to warn us about opening the "Martian Pandora's Box".

There are many things that i am gonna continue to point out in this blog concerning the movies we all love. But that's it for now. Will catch you later on the next NEW CRAZY FILM THEORY.

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